Mar 13, 2025
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MATH 102 - Technical Mathematics (3) This course focuses on computational fluency and applied problem solving with emphasis on the following topics: real numbers, ratios, percents, proportions, estimation, exponents, roots, scientific notation, applied algebra, measurement, applied geometry, electrical formulas and laws, basic statistics, basic trigonometry and vectors.
Prerequisite(s): Satisfy one of the following: MATH 100 - Math Essentials (3) OR proper placement on test scores (ACT Math score of 18 or above, SAT Math score of 430-450, ACCUPLACER score of 79-84 on Arithmetic AND 80-83 on Elementary Algebra, ASSET score of 39 on Numerical AND 37-39 on Elementary Algebra).