Feb 15, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog 
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Registration and BRIDGE

BRIDGE is a secure online program that provides web-based services for students. BRIDGE can be used to:

  • Register for classes
  • Add/Drop classes 
  • Review Charges
  • Review & Print Class Schedules
  • Review & Print Unofficial Transcripts
  • Apply & Review Financial Aid
  • Email Instructors
  • Pay for tuition
  • Review degree evaluation and progress toward graduation through DegreeWorks

To access BRIDGE, go to the Blue Ridge Community and Technical College Home Page and click the “BRIDGE” link. The User Log-on screen requires a “User ID” and “PIN”. The User ID is the 9-digit Student Identification Number. If a student does not know his or her Student ID, he or she can click on “look up my SID” on the BRIDGE Homepage. The PIN number is originally set as the student’s birthday (MMDDYY) entered with no dashes. Immediately after entering BRIDGE for the first time, the student is prompted to create a new PIN; this pin number is a 6-digit number of the student’s choice and cannot be retrieved by the faculty or staff at Blue Ridge Community and Technical College. This new PIN will be used with the User ID to access BRIDGE. From that point forward BRIDGE provides students’ access to “Student Services”, “Financial Aid” and “Personal Information” screens.

Class Schedule

Semester class schedules are available at www.blueridgectc.edu. Students are encouraged to refer to the website for the most-up-to-date version of the schedule.

Registration Information

General Information

To register for classes on BRIDGE, the student must log-on using his or her User ID and PIN number. After selecting the Student Services screen, the student will click on Registration and enter the CRN’s for the classes for which he or she wishes to register.

Alternate PIN

To register for classes a student must enter an “Alternate PIN” number. This Alternate PIN number must be obtained from the student’s Academic Advisor and is not to be confused with the PIN number used by the student to log-on to BRIDGE. The Alternate PIN is entered on the Registration screen of BRIDGE. This number changes from semester to semester and should be kept through the add/drop period.

Course Request Number (CRN)

Class registration on BRIDGE is conducted by entering the Course Request Number (CRN) for each class. The CRN for each class is listed in the Class Schedule. If special permission or approval is required to register for a course, students must see the appropriate person listed in the Schedule of Classes, prior to registering.

Registration Holds

BRIDGE will inform the student of any holds on their account. A student with outstanding financial or other obligations will not be permitted to register until all obligations are cleared up by the appropriate office(s).

Online Classes

Technology allows some classes to be taught online. Class formats vary as follows (check the comment section of the course schedule):

Designation (Comments Section) Definition
Online A fully-online course with all contact hours made via the Internet
Blended: Web & Campus 75% or more of the course is delivered online with a few scheduled campus meetings. The course will meet on campus for the first class, then again on dates established by the instructor. The day, time, and location of the on-campus meetings are listed on the course schedule
Hybrid: 50% Online Approximately 50% of the course is delivered on-campus and 50% is delivered online. The course will meet on-campus at the day, time and location listed on the course schedule
Web-Assisted All contact hours are made in the classroom, but students complete assignments and homework online, and access course materials online. Use of the web component is mandatory and has an impact on the student’s success. (i.e. Requires use of Blackboard, Connect, MyMathLab, WebAssign, MyWritingLab, TurnItIn, Etc.)

Since the comments field is limited to 28 characters, in some cases only a portion of the designation will fit into the field. Information in the comments field will be listed in the following order, where applicable:

  1. Length of term (i.e. First 8 Weeks, Second 8 Weeks, First 5 Weeks, Second 5 Weeks)
  2. Special fees
  3. Pre-requisites
  4. Delivery mode (using one of the designations above)

Online classes are enumerated in the online schedule at www.blueridgectc.edu. The specific format of an online class is defined by the instructor and is available during registration in the comments section of the online schedule.

Special Topics Courses

The college offers courses which fulfill short-term needs not justifying permanent listing in the Catalog or which respond to requests received on short notice. Credit given will be from one to four hours, and the course may be repeated as needed by the department. Topics for these courses will be created as needed by each department. Special Topics courses vary in content with each offering. When offered, a Special Topics course title includes a subtitle describing that course’s specific content.

Variable Credit Courses

Variable credit courses are listed in the Schedule of Classes with a range of hours the course may be taken for. To enter variable credit click on the underlined credit hours for each variable credit course or click on Change Class Options at the bottom of the screen. Enter desired hours (noting allowed range) and click on Submit Changes. Scroll down, check hours, or click Return to Menu, click on Student Detail Schedule and check hours.

Maximum of 19 Credits

Students may register for a maximum of 19 credit hours per semester. A student who wishes to enroll for more than 19 hours must have an overall grade point average of 3.0 or better and secure the written approval of the Academic Advisor and Program Coordinator. If the overall grade point average is less than 3.0, students must first petition the Admissions and Credits Committee for permission before proceeding to get required signatures. Approval forms to enroll for more than 19 hours and petition forms are available in the Enrollment Management Office. Admissions and Credits Petitions are available at the Enrollment Management Office or online under Student Forms.

Closed Class

BRIDGE will indicate if a course is closed by giving a registration error message on the screen. The student can then check other sections of the same course for available openings by scrolling down and clicking on class search.  If a class is closed a student may add themselves to the waitlist (if it is not already at capacity).


If a class is full or closed a student has the option to waitlist themselves in the registration screen in their Bridge account.  Once they are notified the class is full or closed, choose waitlist from the drop down menu.  A maximum of 10 students can be waitlisted for a class.  At such a time when a seat becomes available in a course, the first student on the waitlist will be notified via their BRCTC email and they will then have 24 hours to register for the class in their Bridge account.  If the 24 hour time expires and the student has taken no action in Bridge they will forfeit their place on the waitlist and seat becomes available to the next student on the waitlist.

Time Conflicts

If a student requests two courses whose start and/or end time overlap, a time conflict is created. The student can then check other sections of the same course for available openings by scrolling down and clicking on class search. An override may also be obtained from a division dean or program coordinator. If the division dean or program coordinator placed the approval in the computer, the student will then be available to register on BRIDGE. If not the student should report to the Enrollment Management Office for processing. Time conflicts require written permission from the instructor of both courses.

Other Conflicts

Students cannot register by BRIDGE for two sections of the same course. This includes special topics courses with the same number, such as 199 or 299. Students should report to their advisor for approval.

Confirm Schedule

After all CRN numbers have been entered and if there are no registration errors, the student must click Submit Changes, when finished click on Confirm Schedule.  Click on Menu then click on Student Detail Schedule to check accuracy.

Registration Process

Currently Enrolled, Degree-Seeking Students

Students who are degree seeking and currently enrolled at Blue Ridge Community and Technical College are the first to register for future semester classes. Early registration takes place in October and March. Students must meet with their Academic Advisor to discuss their class schedule and receive their “Alternate PIN” and assigned registration time. At the assigned registration time, currently enrolled students can log-on to BRIDGE, select Student Services and then select Registration to register for classes.

Special Non-Degree Seeking Students

Registration for Special Non-Degree Seeking Students is on-going. This means that registration forms will be taken and held until a set processing date for each semester. There is no application fee, and the student is not eligible for financial aid. Students who have applied for admission and who have been admitted into a degree seeking program must register for classes during a scheduled advisement and registration session. Students who have not applied for admission and who have not been admitted will be required to complete a Special Non-Degree Seeking Student Application (this form may be picked up at the Welcome Desk or online at www.blueridgectc.edu) and return this form to the Welcome Desk. Payment should be made immediately after the registration process has been completed.

Late Registration

Students who begin registering for classes on or after the Friday before the first day of classes of the semester will be charged a $25 late registration fee. The student may still register via BRIDGE through the first week of classes. The late registration fee will be charged to the student’s account.


Students participating in early registration will receive a tuition e-bill. Student registering in person or registering late must pay tuition immediately after the registration process has been completed.

Add/Drop Period

The first five class days of the fall and spring semester, and the first four days of summer are known as the Add/Drop period. During this period, classes may be added or dropped from the student’s schedule via BRIDGE. A course dropped during this period will not appear on the student’s transcript. The student is not required to gain the Academic Advisor’s approval for any classes added or dropped from his or her class schedule. (More information on withdrawing from classes is located in the Academic Information  section in this catalog).