Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Support Services


Academic Recognition

All degree-seeking students have the opportunity to receive academic honors based on their semester GPA.  Academic Honors will fall into three categories and will be automatically awarded based on the grades that are submitted at the end of the semester.

  • To be named to the President’s List, a degree-seeking student must complete 7 credit hours and earn a grade point average of 4.0 for the semester.
  • To be named to the Dean’s List, a degree-seeking student must complete 7 credit hours and earn a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.99 for the semester.
  • To be named to the Honors List, a degree-seeking student must complete 7 credit hours and earn a grade point average of 3.0 to 3.49 for the semester.

All students enrolled at Blue Ridge Community and Technical College have the opportunity to be selected by a faculty member as a recipient of a student award. Each semester, nominations are collected based on an individual’s outstanding contributions to the college campus. Recipients may be selected to receive either a Spirit Award or the Outstanding Student of the Semester Award. Receipt of awards are notated on a student’s academic transcript.


Blue Ridge Community and Technical College has a dedicated bookstore located at the Technology Center. Students can purchase textbooks in the bookstore and can also order online through the website at www.blueridgectc.edu/bookstore. Textbooks will be available for pick up at the Technology Center location. Other items are also sold within the bookstore, including Blue Ridge CTC apparel, software, study aids, etc. The current bookstore hours vary, extended hours may be available throughout the semester for book buyback and sales.

Follett’s Blue Ridge Community and Technical College Book Order Website is www.blueridgectc.edu/bookstore.

Student ID Card

Blue Ridge Community and Technical College students, upon enrollment, are provided a BRIDGE Student ID Card. This card should be visible at all times while on campus and must be presented upon request by administrators or faculty of Blue Ridge Community and Technical College for identification purposes. A $5.00 fee is charged for the replacement of this card. Students are required to carry this card at all times. The BRIDGE card is the property of Blue Ridge Community and Technical College and is nontransferable. Use of this card constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions in effect at the time of use. Report lost, stolen, or found cards immediately to the Campus Security at 304-260-4380 ext 2250.

E2 Campus

Blue Ridge and Technical College offers the E2 Campus Alert System to notify students of emergency situations and/or emergency closings.  To sign-up for E2 Campus, students should text the word “AlertMe” to #79516.  Employees should text “employee” to #79516.

Computer Accounts

All registered students are assigned a computer account upon registration. Students are required to obtain their account information over BRIDGE. Computer accounts allow students access and use of the Internet, email and various software in computer labs. College computers cannot be accessed without a username and password. For more information, visit the Information Technology Services website at www.blueridgectc.edu.

Library Services

The College provides web-based library resources through a variety of research database subscriptions. Research and Reference Services are available to students through the E-Learning department to support students in their academic research needs. To obtain Research and Reference Services, email elearn@blueridgectc.edu or call (304) 260-4380 extension 2333.

Career Services

Blue Ridge Community and Technical College provides free career development services for students and alumni. The Office of Career Services supports the full lifecycle of a student from career and degree exploration to job placement.  Services include: Career Assessment and Advising, Resume and Cover Letter Assistance, Mock Interviews, Job Search Assistance, Career Training & Workshops, and Job Placement through our campus recruiting opportunities including our online job board, employer connections, career fairs, and networking events. Contact the Office of Career Services by emailing CareerServices@blueridgectc.edu.

Clubs and Orgs

Blue Ridge Community and Technical College has several clubs and special interest groups which meet the needs of a diverse student body.  For questions regarding clubs and orgs, contact the Student Government Association Advisor.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society serves to recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students and provide opportunities for individual growth and development through honors, leadership and service programming.  To be eligible to join, a student must have a 3.5 GPA.

Developmental Courses

Placement Testing/Assessment

The standards for assessment and placement established by the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education (Title 135 Series 21) are designed to establish uniform procedures for the placement of students in credit-bearing courses in Mathematics and English which can be applied toward an undergraduate academic degree.
Students may be exempted from taking placement tests/assessments by meeting any of the following criteria:
  1. The student has already earned a degree from an accredited college (official transcripts must be submitted to the Office of Admissions).
  2. Students who have previously taken and received a passing grade in a college level English and Math course from an accredited college (official transcripts must be submitted to the Office of Admissions).
  3. Students with acceptable SAT/ACT scores (official score report must be submitted to the Office of Admissions). See chart below for acceptable scores.
  4. Students with acceptable Accuplacer, or Asset scores from other accredited colleges (official score report must be submitted to the Office of Admission). See chart below for acceptable scores.
  5. Students with acceptable WV Grade 11 Assessment scores in English and Mathematics.

Placement Testing/Assessment: Scores & Course Placement

Students who do not meet these exemptions have the option of taking the placement tests/assessments. Students may also choose not to take the placement tests/assessments with the understanding that they must start with foundation courses for the subjects in which they did not test.

Additional assessments may be available and used for course placement.  Please contact the Testing Center about these options.



(Prior to March 1, 2016)

ENGL 100R (Reading Essentials)

16 or Below


22 or Below 


251 or Below


410 or Below


Exempt from a Reading Course

17 or Above


23 or Above  


252 or Above


420 or Above




(Prior to March 1, 2016)

ENGL 111 (Applied Technical Writing) OR

(Co-requisite Courses)  6 credits in one semester

ENGL 101  (Written English) WITH

ENGL 101L (Written English Lab) OR  

ENGL 110 (Technical Writing) WITH

ENGL 110L (Technical Writing Lab)

17 or Below 


479 or Below


12 or below (Composite  Essay Score)

249 or below 


440 or below


ENGL-101 (Written English) OR

ENGL-110 (Technical Writing)

18 or Above  


480 or Above


13 or Above Composite  Essay Score

250 or Above


450 or Above




(Prior to March 1, 2016)

MATH-100 (Math Essentials) 17 or Below

499 or below


249 or Below



235 or below

(Advanced Algebra Functions)

420 or Below
MATH-100A (Algebra Essentials)

18 or above 







236 or above

(Advanced Algebra Functions)


(Co-requisite Courses) 4 credits

Math 101- (Intro to Mathematics) with Math-101L (Intro to Math Lab) 4 credits in one semester


    490 or Above


240 or Above



MATH-101 (Intro to Mathematics

MATH-102 (Technical Math) 

19 or Above  


510 or Above


250 or Above             


MATH-105 (College Algebra) 21 or Above

530 or Above


260 or Above                     


460 or Above

MATH-114 (Elem Probability & Statistics) 

MATH-154 (Finite Mathematics)

20 or Above

520 or Above


255 or Above                        


460 or Above


MATH-108 (Pre-Calculus)

24 or Above

580 or Above


250 or Above                   

(Advanced Algebra Functions)

550 or Above
MATH-207 (Calculus) 28 or Above

660 or Above


276 or Above                 

(Adv Alg Functions) 

600 or Above

The Office of Accessibility Services

The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) provides accessibility to students with different abilities in the college environment. OAS assists students with accommodations, advocacy, empowerment, goal planning, and study skills. Registering with OAS at Blue Ridge Community and Technical College is a self-reporting process. Students seeking accommodations can send appropriate documentation to the OAS Student Access Coordinator using the online registration form. After receiving documentation, the student and OAS Student Access Coordinator will schedule an intake meeting. Please review the documents found at www.blueridgectc.edu. If you identify as a person in need of accommodations, we encourage you to contact the OAS Student Access Coordinator at access@blueridgectc.edu or (304) 260-4380, ext. 2117.

SKILLS 101 (ENGL 100S  and/or MATH 100S )

SKILLS 101 is an intensive test preparation program designed for all students but with a specific focus on those needing placement testing. While ENGL 100S - Developmental English (1)  is designed as a workshop with 16 intensive hours of instruction in a week, MATH 100S - Developmental Mathematics (1)  uses an online delivery format. The goal is that students’ skills will be enhanced, and they can test or retest for successful placement into college-level English or mathematics courses.

Student Conduct

Students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in the Student Handbook. The Student Handbook reflects the College community’s expectations and standards established for each of its members. The handbook and student judicial system are founded on principles of fairness and due process and a commitment to the educational development of students and are designed to balance the interests of the College community as a whole with the protection of students’ individual liberties.

Disciplinary action on campus deals administratively and developmentally with prohibited or unacceptable student behavior in the College community. Any complainant may refer any student or organization to the Office of Student Success. Official College action will be taken when a student’s or student group’s behavior violates community standards, interferes either with the College’s educational purpose or with its duty to protect and preserve individual health, welfare, and property. When the behavior is aggravated or presents a continuing danger to the College community, accused students are subject to separation from the institution.

Thus, the primary purpose of this handbook is to serve the interests of both the Blue Ridge Community and Technical College community and the individual student by:

  1. Establishing the College’s authority to discipline students.
  2. Outlining the general rights and responsibilities of students.
  3. Asserting the specific standards of conduct expected of students.
  4. Describing actions which can be taken when misconduct occurs.
  5. Establishing procedures which ensure due process in the adjudication of complaints concerning students.
  6. Imposing sanctions and/or providing conflict resolution in the College setting to protect, deter, and educate.

For further information regarding the standards, proscribed conduct and sanctions of students, refer to the Student Handbook found on the Blue Ridge CTC website at www.blueridgectc.edu.

Title IX

As a recipient of federal funds, Blue Ridge Community and Technical College is required to comply with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities.  Title IX states that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Sexual misconduct, as defined in this policy, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.  We encourage members of the campus community who experience any form of sexual misconduct discussed in this policy to contact our Blue Ridge Community and Technical College’s Title IX Coordinator, Aspen Monsma, at 304-260-4380, extension 2117. Also, complaints can be submitted through the Blue Ridge Community and Technical College’s website. For more information regarding Title IX, refer to the Blue Ridge Community and Technical College’s website or Student Handbook. 

Violation of Student Rights

Any student who believes that his/her rights were violated shall:

  1. Refer to the Student Handbook which can be found on the Blue Ridge CTC website at www.blueridgectc.edu.
  2. Meet with the Assistant Dean of Student Outreach to file a complaint.

The Student Code of Conduct is founded on principles of fairness and due process, and a commitment to the educational development of students and is designed to balance the interests of the College community as a whole with the protection of students’ individual liberties.  For more information on the Student Handbook, go to the Blue Ridge CTC website at www.blueridgectc.edu for a copy.