Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Welcome from the President

Message from the President

In my introduction I usually talk about the importance of a good education.  A good education is even more important now than ever.  With a good education you can earn a living, raise a family, help those less fortunate, and have a better chance of leading the life you dream about.  As President of the College, I have the opportunity to see lives improved and to see students grow and prosper.  Being able to do help others achieve their dreams is a lifelong goal for me and all of the faculty and staff at Blue Ridge.  

Even though it looks as if the pandemic is behind us in many ways there are lessons we have learned in our efforts to reach students.  Access to education is critically important.  One of the improvements in access to learning based on our experience with Covid is our Hyflex model of instruction. In many classes a student can attend live, remotely, or watch a recorded class at a time that is convenient.  A student can blend all three forms of access in the same class.  In addition to this new course delivery system there are many continuing good things at Blue Ridge.  Among them are:

  • We offer many opportunities for students to complete work at Blue Ridge Community and Technical College and transfer to a baccalaureate institution.
  • High School students in Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan County Schools experience exciting programs that will prepare completers for a jump start on their college education.  The cost of attendance in our Jump Start Program is a fraction of in state tuition.
  • Our Culinary Academy continues to prepare healthy and affordable meals for purchase by our faculty, staff, and students. Good nutrition is a major part of maintaining a healthy and productive life and our Bruins are there to help with that goal.
  • With the help of West Virginia Invests, students can now qualify for study in selected degree programs at a greatly reduced cost to the student.
  • Our Foundation continues to offer scholarships to qualified students which greatly enhance the affordability of a college education and the success of our students.
  • Our accreditation is strong and we have terrific partnerships with many local and regional industries that can be future employers for students in occupational programs.


Blue Ridge continues to be a very busy place with a lot going on. Within the pages of our catalog, I think you will find an enormous amount of information that will guide you toward a good education and maybe, just maybe, you will find a field of interest that provides a lifetime of enjoyment and a career that is gratifying and rewarding. Our College continues to deliver in our areas of strength.  Whether you chose to pursue workforce preparation, transfer programs, or early college we can help you.

At Blue Ridge, students are why we exist. Our students are the primary factor in making our College a success. Without our students, we simply would have no reason for being. We have a fantastic group of faculty and staff who are here to help you succeed in achieving your goals, whether that is to prepare for a career or to transfer to a four-year degree program. The services and education we offer are many and varied and it can be overwhelming at times for the new or even experienced student. Rest assured our faculty and staff can help you in your quest to achieve your goals. We are here to help and we are glad you have chosen Blue Ridge Community and Technical College.

Welcome to The Ridge!

Best Wishes,

Dr. Peter G. Checkovich