If you aspire to operate your own small business within the food industry, consider this degree program. Our program provides you with business and culinary training in a real-world, hands-on context. Over the course of the program, you will learn how to write an effective business plan and learn the finer points of finance, money management, marketing, and food planning preparation.
Program Overview
The Culinary Arts Entrepreneurship Associate of Applied Science degree program provides students training from an integrated mix of entrepreneurial coursework and the traditional culinary arts training necessary for business ownership in the food service industry. Students have the option to focus primarily on Baking & Pastry or Food Service Retail Management.
During the coursework, work skills developed include entrepreneurial thinking and opportunity recognition, developing a business plan, obtaining resources, managing finances, organizing and designing a food service business, successfully dealing with managerial challenges and decision making. Graduates of this program are better prepared to both operate their own food service business, and act as a manager within existing food service organizations.
Career Opportunities
If you choose the Food Retail Management degree track, you will be qualified to pursue managerial or entrepreneurial ventures within the industry. The Baking and Pastry track will equip you with the skills to pursue employment in restaurants, catering firms, and corporations seeking your finesse and attention to detail.