Feb 17, 2025  
2023-2024 Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Disciplinary Actions for Violation of Student Code of Conduct

It is expected that the College will impose or seek sanctions that are fair under the circumstances. To that end, a student found responsible for a violation or violations of the Student Code shall be subject to sanctions commensurate with the offense with consideration given to any aggravating and mitigating circumstances, including the student’s prior conduct record. A student who receives a period of suspension as a disciplinary sanction is subject to a further disciplinary action for prohibited conduct that takes place during the period of suspension. Sanctions available for violations of the Student Code may include one or more of the following:

  1. Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the College. Permanent notification will appear on the student’s transcript. The student may be denied access to College premises, provided that such restrictions are stipulated in the Outcome Letter and bear a reasonable relationship to the violation. If a student is expelled, the student will not receive a refund of any tuition or fees that have been paid to the College.
  2. Suspension: Separation of the student from the College for a specified period of time. Permanent notification will appear on the student’s transcript. The student may be denied access to College premises and to all other College activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible, provided that such restrictions are stipulated in the Outcome Letter and bear a reasonable relationship to the violation. Suspended time will not count against any time limits for completion of a degree. If a student is suspended, the student will not receive a refund of any tuition or fees that have been paid to the College.
  3. Deferred Suspension: The student will be officially suspended from the College for a definite interim time period and given a certain set of expectations, but the suspension will be deferred and does not go into effect as long as the student complies with all requirements during the interim period. In those cases where the student completes all expectations during the interim period, the student’s record will show that the sanction was never imposed. In the event that a student fails to comply with a sanction and the Office of Student Conduct has decided to impose a suspension, the student will be notified of the apparent failure to comply and of the intent to suspend and provided an opportunity to meet and explain the circumstances prior to a final decision.
  4. Probation: A written reprimand for prohibited conduct that specifies a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if, during the designated probationary period, the student violates any applicable law or fails to comply with the policies of the West Virginia College Board of Governors, with institutional or campus rules and regulations or with directives issued by any College official acting in the course of his or her authorized duties.
  5. Warning: A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated Board of Governors policies, institutional rules, and regulations, or the Student Code and that any further prohibited conduct may result in more severe disciplinary action.
  6. Loss of Privileges: Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.
  7. Restitution: Students may be required to make payment to the College or to other persons, groups, or organizations for loss, damage, or injury incurred as a result of a violation of any Student Code. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement. Once restitution is satisfied, the student must provide documentation to the Office of Student Conduct.
  8. Admission Revocation: Admission to the College may be revoked for a violation of the Code if the violation was committed before the student arrives on campus. Likewise, a degree awarded from the College may be revoked for a violation of the Code if the violation was committed before the student graduates.
  9. Other Sanctions: Other sanctions may be imposed instead of or in addition to those specified. For example, students may be required to complete community service projects or educational classes, they may be assessed a fine (if such fines are established by the Office of Enrollment Management), and/or may be assigned other work or research projects.
  10. No Contact Order: Students may be issued a permanent no-contact order, which is a directive to refrain from any intentional contact, whether direct or indirect, with one or more designated persons or group(s) through any means, including, but not limited to, personal contact, e-mail, telephone, social media or third parties.