Feb 19, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



The West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission regulations require the College to operate strictly on a cash basis with all payments and obligations being collected in advance.

If payment is made by check, registration will be considered incomplete until the check covering the required fees has cleared the bank on which it is written. The Cashier’s Office will accept cash, credit cards, money orders, or approved personal checks written for the exact amount of the obligation. All checks must be payable to Blue Ridge Community and Technical College and third-party checks will not be accepted. A student’s registration may be canceled when payment is made by a check which is dishonored by the bank. If the returned check is in payment of tuition and fees, the business office is required to declare the fees unpaid and registration canceled. The return of a check for any reason constitutes late registration, and the applicable late-registration fee shall be assessed. In such case, the student may re-register upon redemption of the unpaid check, payment of the $10 returned check handling charge, and payment of the applicable late fee of $25. The returned check fee of $10 will be collected for each check returned unpaid by the bank upon which it is drawn, unless the drawer obtains an admission of error from the bank.

All student charges are payable at the time of registration for each semester. Students in debt to the College from a previous semester or term will not be permitted to enroll until all obligations are paid. Any outstanding and unpaid financial obligation to the College can result in withholding the student’s grades, transcript of credits, diploma, and official reports. Students will not be permitted to attend classes until registration has been completed. In addition, outstanding balances greater than 30 days may be referred to a collection agency in accordance with the Blue Ridge Community and Technical College Debt Collection policy. The College may refer to a College-designated third party agency or an approved contracted collection agency any invoices outstanding 30 days after the “third and final notice” which is given when an invoice is outstanding at 90 days.

Student employees will be required to pay tuition and fees at the same time as other students. The student employee will receive paychecks from the State of West Virginia for work performed during the previous month. All fees and expenses are subject to change without prior notice.

Enrollment Fees Per Semester—Fall 2022

  West Virginia Students
Enrolled at Blue Ridge Community and Technical College
Metro Students
Enrolled at Blue Ridge Community and Technical College*
Out-of-State Students
Enrolled at Blue Ridge Community and Technical College
Hours Fee Fee Fee
1 $172.00 $211.00 $311.00
2 $344.00 $422.00 $622.00
3 $516.00 $633.00 $933.00
4 $688.00 $844.00 $1,244.00
5 $860.00 $1,055.00 $1,555.00
6 $1,032.00 $1,266.00 $1,866.00
7 $1,204.00 $1,477.00 $2,177.00
8 $1,376.00 $1,688.00 $2,488.00
9 $1,548.00 $1,899.00 $2,799.00
10 $1,720.00 $2,110.00 $3,110.00
11 $1,892.00 $2,321.00 $3,421.00
12 $2,064.00 $2,532.00 $3,732.00

Rates are subject to the approval of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission.

*Students living in Frederick or Washington counties in Maryland; Clark, Frederick, or Loudoun counties in Virginia; or Franklin or Fulton counties in Pennsylvania will receive a metro fee which is less expensive than out of state.

*Students receiving veteran’s benefits will receive the same tuition rate as In-State Students.

An Explanation as to Use of Enrollment Fees—Fall 2022

  West Virginia Students
(Full-Time Rate)
Metro Students
(Full-Time Rate)
Out-of-State Students
(Full-Time Rate)
Technology Fee: $132.00 $132.00 $132.00
Restricted to defray expenses for the development of college technology.      
College Operation Fee: $1,932.00 $2,400.00 $3,600.00
Unrestricted for general operating purposes.      
TOTAL $2,064.00 $2,532.00 $3,732.00

Refund Policy

Students who withdraw in accordance with College procedures may receive a refund of tuition and fees in accordance with the schedules outlined below. The refund calculation is based on the amount paid toward tuition and fees. (No refunds on partial withdrawals). Refunds are determined from the first day of the school term, which officially begins with orientation and registration days. The official withdrawal date is certified by the Registrar. Refund checks are issued through the State Treasury, and receipt of a refund may take up to six weeks depending on the date of withdrawal.

To get a 100% refund you must drop ALL classes by the end of add/drop.

Regular Session  
During the first and second weeks 90%
During the third and fourth weeks 75%
During fifth through eighth weeks 50%
Beginning with ninth week No Refund


Summer Session  
During the first 10% of the term 90%
From 11% to 25% of the term 75%
From 26% to 50% of the term 50%
After 50% of the term is completed No Refund

Special Fees

Admission Application Fee (nonrefundable) 25.00
Board of Governors Transcript Posting Fee (per credit) 10.00
Diploma Replacement 20.00
Late Payment 25.00
Late Registration 25.00
Online Course Fees per credit hour 25.00
Orientation Fee 25.00
Returned Check Handling Fee 10.00
Science Lab Fee 10.00-100.00
Student ID Replacement 5.00
Transcripts 10.00
Verification Services (Clearinghouse) 10.00

Additional fees may be assessed for individual courses or programs. These fees are listed in the comments section in the schedule of classes.

Audit Fees Per Semester

Enrollment fees for students enrolled in courses for audit (without credit) are the same as if credit were given. (The only exception applies to students who are 65 and over requesting the senior citizen discount.)

Reduced Tuition and Fee Program

WV Residents who are at least 65 Years of Age

  1. To be eligible for this program the applicant must complete the application/registration form and choose one of the following options:
    1. Register under this program for all classes for credit ($86/per credit hour).
    2. Register under this program for all classes for noncredit ($12.50/per credit hour).
      (A student cannot mix these two options or mix this program with regular tuition course registration.)
  2. A student eligible for this plan follows the same guidelines as other degree and/or non-degree seeking students.
  3. The total tuition and standard fees for the credit option will be 50 percent of the normal rates charged to state residents.
  4. The total tuition and standard fees for the noncredit option will be $12.50 per credit hour.
  5. Students under this plan will be expected to pay full charges for special fees, including laboratory fees, which are required of all other students.
  6. Students must pay at the time of registration to avoid being dropped for nonpayment.
  7. In lieu of a grade, an AU will be entered for courses in the noncredit option.
  8. Students may withdraw according to established dates.
  9. The standard refund policy applies, as do all other college policies not specifically addressed herein.
  10. All College academic policies apply.
  11. Students who wish to register under this plan must contact the Admissions Office at admissions@blueridgectc.edu to qualify and have their status manually updated each term.

Currently Enrolled High School Students

Students currently enrolled in high school are eligible for reduced tuition rates at $25 per credit hour. All online, technology, and other lab fees apply.